© Lauren Consulting 2014

Professional Selling Skills

Territory management

Develop a set of fundamental sales skills to conduct productive and committed business. Student will learn the key activities of territory management: situation analysis, GAP analysis and sales planning.

Analytical business skills

Analytical business skills, clarifying needs, problems and opportunitiesProbing skills are diagnostic skills that lead to tailored solutions. The solutions may solve problems or capture new opportunities. Probing skills are helpful for general business interaction or in specific customer service situations.    How to align your ideas and get buy-in and supportAligning your ideas will teach how to reason with people at any attitude. It lets you make sense in a way that fits the person’s point of view.    How to bring about commitmentsStudent will learn to bring closure or completion to the conversation by obtaining the biggest commitment possible.    Handling objectionsWe tend to think that tangible, factual “reasons” cause objections. Therefore, we assume that logic and reasoning can sort out the problem. The student will learn to answer the objection as appropriate for a given point of view.

The logic of decision making

The logic of decision makingDecisions are based on someone’s perception of the “facts” and how they feel about those facts. Our internal/external customer’s go into “decision-making mode” when approached for cooperation. Feelings pay a large part in those decisions. You will learn to organize what you see when people are deciding about cooperating or doing business with you. Each action reveals how feelings are affecting willingness and decision making as it occurs moment-to-moment.    Establish conversational rapportBuilding conversational rapport means giving respect for the other person’s point of view in order to cause some connection with that person’s feelings. Students will learn how to maintain conversational rapport throughout any conversation.
t: 949 376-2291 f: 949 376-9184
Al Delgado